17 Tips to Motivate Children to Read

boy sitting outdoor, laughing and holding a book
boy sitting outdoor, laughing and holding a book

<1> Make reading a part of your family's routine. Always keep books on hand so that your kids and their friends can read them. Your children will be eager to check the books whenever the opportunity arises.

<2> Create a relaxing atmosphere. Create a relaxing, enjoyable environment for your family to read alone or together.

<3> Find somewhere warm and cozy, whether it is in the bed or on the couch. Make sure they have a comfortable place to sleep, whether it is in a tent, a beanbag or on the sofa, when reading on their own.

<4> Read whenever you have the opportunity. Bring a book or magazine with you for any time your child will be waiting.

<5> Make reading a priority for your kids. Reading is beneficial to your child's health, creativity, and educational growth. Even a few minutes a day will make a huge difference in their lives.

<6> Join the library in your area. Obtain a library card for your kids. You will find movies, music and a huge selection of great publications. Let your children to choose their books, allowing them to pursue their own interests.

<7> Allow children to read a variety of items on their own time. It doesn't have to be books. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, comics, magazines, recipes, any good quality reading available.

<8> Match their passions. Help them find the right book, whether it is fiction or nonfiction. Poetry, comic books, and non-fiction are all options.

<9> Have a group session. Choose a time when you all can read together as a family and have fun with it. This could be done by having everyone reading the same book or different things at the same time. Also, having your kids reading out loud to each other.

<10> Discuss books. This is a fantastic way to make links, improve comprehension and make reading more enjoyable. Begin by discussing the front cover and what it shows and suggests about the book's content. Then discuss what you have been reading and share your thoughts. Talk about something unexpected that happened or something learned. Discuss how the book makes you feel and whether it reminds you of something in particular. Ask your children about their feelings, listen to their comments and show you are interested in their opinions.

<11> Read a book over and over again. Encourage your children to read his or her favorite books and poems again and again. Rereading develops fluency and confidence.

<12> Repetition and rhyme. Books and poetry with rhyme and repetition are excellent for getting your children to participate and remember the words.

<13> Telling bedtime stories. At bedtime, read with your child or children on a regular basis. It is a wonderful way to wind down the day and spend quality time with your kids.

<14> Read aloud on a daily basis. Every day, try reading to your kids. It's a special time to curl up with a book and listen to a story. Children enjoy rereading stories and looking at the illustrations. To bring characters to life, try using funny voices.

<15> Leaving fascinating reading material in various locations around the house is a good idea.

<16> Make reading more engaging. Play games that require you to link images, objects, words and looking for similar items in your house. You could plan treasure hunts based on the books you're reading.

<17> Make books for your children by using pictures and their drawings. Add captions and encourage them to tell stories about their passions.